DrupalCamp Toulouse (November 26-27 2011)

Once again a Drupalcamp is organized in France in 2011, it's the third one for this year and for this edition we have the pleasure to go to a really nice city in the south of France, Toulouse.

For this Drupalcamp we hope to get some european Drupal folks joining us, that why we are settling the website in english too. During this edition a dedicated english track has been managed so you'll be sure to have a session to attend on every time slot.

The Toulouse edition of the Drupalcamp is a bit special, for this year we are going to be co-hosted with two other open source associations (Ubuntu fr and Akademy-fr) for a main event called "Capitole du libre", it's the first edition and we hope that it'll we be a great success!

We can't wait to get you there so please sign up for the event, it's free and spread the word around you!

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2011. Drupal theme by Kiwi Themes.